Helpful Information For Treating Cats And Dogs With CBD Products


Home / Helpful Information For Treating Cats And Dogs With CBD Products

Whether it’s your feline or canine friend, you may have noticed that they can sometimes become overwhelmed with anxiety, or maybe they’re experiencing pain from an injury. According to experts in the veterinary industry, CBD can help your pet deal with anxiousness, pain and even aid in appetite loss. Natural healthcare has had an increase in demand over the past years, and we at Indy CBD Plus want to help you with information along your journey.  

What Is CBD Oil?

Cannabidiol, mainly referred to as CBD, was legalized for human consumption in the US in 2018. The Farm Act removing CBD from the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) schedule 1 category meant that it was no longer considered a controlled substance. It’s a non-psychoactive cannabinoid and is part of the endocannabinoid system, which can be found in humans and some animals. 

Human beings have an endocannabinoid system, which means we have cannabinoid receptors. Veterinarians believe that dogs have a similar system that enables them to receive some of the same benefits from CBD as us. 

CBD oils contain high levels of CBD, which enables them to be used for therapeutic purposes. Different CBD products can aid pets, and it’s said to improve quality of life. However, most experts agree that CBD cannot cure any ailments, but can still provide some health benefits. 

What CBD Products Exist On The Market?

There are various products on the market today, and the market continues to advance every day. Some products to choose from include topicals, concentrates, vaporizers, capsules, soft chews, treats, and many more. According to DVM, the most common form among pet owners is as a liquid, i.e., CBD oil or tincture. 

When searching for the right product for your furry friend, be sure to check the Certificate of Analysis (COA). This analysis provides test results that include the amount of THC in the product. For products that will be given to a pet, avoid any that have a THC level higher than 0. The COA also tests for microbial, heavy metals, and pesticides. Organic products will usually be the best. 

It’s essential to try and find high-quality CBD products to gain the most benefits from the oil for your pet. Not every product is the same, and some will be of better quality than others. 

What Do Veterinarians Suggest CBD For?

Veterinarians suggest CBD for therapeutic purposes in pets, such as dogs and cats. This can help treat anxiety, seizures, and pain. Research has found that it has anti-inflammatory properties, which is why it can relieve pain from an injury or even cancer. Other scientific studies have been conclusive in saying that CBD can help control epilepsy in dogs. 

Pets with anxiety can have significant behavioral issues. They can start barking at you, chewing on anything they can get their teeth on, or even bite you or someone else. Like how CBD can help relieve anxiety in humans, it can do the same for your pet. 

Risks vs. Benefits

Due to CBD being a non-psychoactive cannabinoid, you don’t have to worry about your pet feeling the “high” effect. However, your pet can still be at risk when using CBD products. There are a few side effects that can show through your pet’s use. 

Research has shown that dogs can sometimes experience dry mouth due to CBD decreasing the production of saliva. This could cause your dog to become dehydrated. High doses have also been determined sometimes to cause a drop in blood pressure. The decline is generally temporary, and minor, but can still be felt by your pup. Diarrhea has also been a prominent effect when giving CBD to pets. 

In cats, specifically, there have been studies that suggest the risk of gastrointestinal upset and possible sedation. While CBD can aid in anxiety and sometimes have some drowsy effects in dogs, it teeters more towards sedation in cats. If this occurs when giving your cat CBD, it’s best to stop using any CBD products. 

Without dosage charts, pet-owners may guess a dosage or may blindly follow what the product says. While the product’s dosage suggestions could be safe, they could also not be as accurate as they should be. Toxicity is a significant risk, which is why we’re extremely careful to only stock reputable products at Indy CBD Plus.

How To Arm Yourself With The Right Information

Dr. Liza Guess from Ohio State University Department of Veterinary Medicine claims that while CBD can be helpful, THC can be highly toxic for pets. Due to the high toxicity, you should never give your pet THC products. This can be an issue when searching for a CBD product at stores more concerned about sales and trends, rather than actual care for their customers, because some can contain low levels of THC. 

It’s better to go for broad-spectrum CBD, compared to full-spectrum (though we have recommendations for both). If the product has additional natural terpenes and cannabinoids, there are more benefits for your furry friend. We’ve found that pet CBD products and human CBD products are virtually the same, the difference to be aware of is added flavorings. Many pet products are labeled differently than human products in order to mark up the price.

A major risk that you and your pet could be subject to is from hemp oil. Some products will be labeled hemp oil, but it’s essential to know that hemp oil is not the same as CBD oil. Products that are labeled hemp oil usually have little to no CBD in them. Without the CBD element, the product is not therapeutic for pets.  

Therefore, it’s always good to speak with your veterinarian before administering any CBD products to your pet. While the veterinarian may not exactly prescribe CBD, or may not legally be allowed to discuss the option, depending on what state you’re in, they will at least be able to point you in the right direction. 

Is CBD Legal?

As mentioned previously, CBD is legal in the US. However, the FDA does not regulate any CBD products that are on the market and being sold. This means that there are essentially no regulations for what is being put on the market. 

In some states, your veterinarian may not be legally allowed to suggest CBD as a course of treatment. Regardless, without a robust number of studies for certain animals, veterinarians may be hesitant to suggest CBD products at all. 

What Does The Future Look Like?

With more and more pet-owners and people in general becoming interested in CBD and natural remedies for ailments, there will likely continue to advance. There is a lot of potential for future products, including tumor injections, safe sedation, and use for more internal diseases. 

The California State Legislature has a bill being discussed about the use of medical cannabis for animals and the ability for a vet to prescribe and administer these sorts of products to animals. The conversation is ongoing, and more and more states will likely join the conversation in the future.     

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